収録アルバム:YHC-010 YATSUZAKI HARDCORE COLLECTION 10 YATSUZAKI HARDCOREが贈る「YATSUZAKI HARDCORE COLLECTION」シリーズ第10弾! デカい試される大地から送るデッカいHappy Hardcore!「M4G&N3T - Feel Alive」 無限に踊れるハードテクノトラック「Rakutensai - Too bad to die」 ミレニアムハードコア回帰を感じさせる「RoughSketch - Titan」 札幌ナンバーワンジャングリストによる「WAN - Hruntig」 4組の書き下ろしトラックが集結!! YATSUZAKI HARDCORE presents the 10th volume of the "YATSUZAKI HARDCORE COLLECTION" series! M4G&N3T - Feel Alive" is a big Happy Hardcore track from the land of the big test! Hard techno track "Rakutensai - Too bad to die" that you can dance to endlessly! RoughSketch - Titan" - a return to millennium hardcore WAN - Hruntig" by Sapporo's number one jangle artist Four newly written tracks by four different groups! 【TRACKLIST】 1. M4G&N3T - Feel Alive 2. Rakutensai - Too bad to die 3. RoughSketch - Titan 4. WAN - Hruntig 【STAFFLIST】 Produce  Notebook Records Illustration by  未早 Presented by Notebook Records Release 2024.4.3 Notebook Records https://notebookrecords.net/ Buy CD & Download or Listen on Streaming https://notebookrecords.net/discographyportal.php?cdno=YHC-010